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I'm experiencing trouble with my payments

Last updated October 17, 2023

I submitted my job before Tuesday and it's not in this week's invoice.

There are a few reasons a job that you submitted before Tuesday may not be paid until the next payment cycle. Our payment system only invoices jobs that are marked as "Delivered" at the time of the weekly payment deadline.

The submitted job was not delivered to the client until Tuesday.

When you submit a job, it goes into a brief review stage where our QA team takes a quick look before delivering it to the client. Usually, this review is completed within a day or less. However, since the job hasn't been delivered to the client yet, it won't be sent to the payment cycle until the QA team does a pass at your work. If this happens, rest assured you'll receive payment for this job on the following week's payment cycle.

The job was returned for revisions

When a client requests a revision on a job, the job is moved out of the payment cycle until the revision is complete and passes the QA team's approval once again. If we've paid you out for a job and it moves to the revision status, then you'll be expected to provide the revision request.

Since our payment system only invoices jobs that are marked as in the payment cycle, jobs will sometimes move from one payment cycle to the next because of revisions.

Note that you will be paid for all articles, regardless of revisions, it just may not reflect until the next payment cycle.

It's Wednesday- why do I not see the payment in my bank account?

While we always process payments on Thursday, there's usually a short delay between the time our payment is sent and the time your bank account accepts the payment. The exact transfer time will vary based on your location, but we estimate:

  • Writers in the US, Canada, and the UK should see their payments within 1 business day.
  • Writers in European countries, Australia, and New Zealand (among a few others) will see their payments within 1-2 business days.
  • Writers in South Africa, South America, and most Middle Eastern and Asian countries should expect transfer times of 3-5 business days.

To get the estimate for your exact location, please check out  this help article from our payment provider .

Please note that these are estimates. Sometimes there are delays with individual banks or with our payment provider that could occasionally extend this transfer time.

Why is the payment in my bank account not exactly what's on my invoice?

Our payment provider, Trolley, charges a small processing fee for payments. This fee varies a little based on what country you live in. For writers in the USA and Canada, it's $1 (USD). For writers outside the US and Canada, it may be up to $4 (USD).

In addition to this processing fee, recipient banks may charge small transfer fees. You can check with your bank to find out the exact fees.

If you notice a major discrepancy between your invoice and final payment, please reach out to our support team and we'll look into it.

When should I reach out to support?

If you have a question that's not covered by the above FAQ, or if it's past the  estimated time for your payment to reach your account , please reach out to us via the support chat in our app, or at  support@draft.co 

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