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Why and how should I rate content?

Last updated August 15, 2023

It's very important to rate your content! Why? It helps us quality control our marketplace. Writers with an average rating below 4 stars are offboarded from our platform, so make sure you have your feedback heard!

How should you choose rating?

Rating Guidelines

5 Stars = overall great, followed brief, ready to publish

4 Stars = overall good, mostly followed brief, needs light edits (<30m) to publish

3 Stars = okay, missed some instructions, needs edits (>30m) to publish

2 Stars = poor, did not follow most of brief, needs heavy edits (>1hr) to publish

1 Star = terrible, completely missed the mark, requires full rewrite

If you rated an article 5 stars and want to work with this writer again, click the heart next to the writer's name - this will add them to your preferred writer team!

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