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What is the Agency Dashboard?

Last updated August 15, 2023

Draft's Agency Dashboard allows you to create and manage content for multiple clients from a single dashboard.

You can submit content requests for each client all in one place while staying organized and setting specific preferred writer teams for each client.


  • Set preferred writer teams for each client. This is especially helpful if your clients are in different industries or have very different writing styles!
  • Organize your content requests by client.


To use our Agency plan, there's no platform fee per month, and each individual client can pull from a shared word quota between all agency clients.

 Pricing Details 


Can I white label this and let my clients log in directly to request their content?

Unfortunately, the agency dashboard isn't a white-labeled solution and only exists to help you manage your client's content pipeline better. You would still need to request content on their behalf.

Looking to move your account over to the agency dashboard - reach out to the Draft support team and we can make the switch!

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